PM Bundle Ethics and Schedule Mgmt (60 PDUs)

Two courses for one great price!

Course #1: A Foundation In Professional Ethics

Updated for new Project Management Institute (PMI)® CCR and PMI Talent TriangleTM Requirements! This course is valid for 45 PDUs for Project Management Professional (PMP)®s to maintain their certification. PMPs require 60 PDUs every 3 years to maintain certification. 90 day course access starts from purchase date. This course is valid for all PMPs. This course is consistent with all versions of A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide). Course materials are in .pdf format and are immediately available to students upon purchase. Course also includes access to our video on Project Management Ethics. This course provides a foundation in professional ethics for those involved in project management, using the primary foundational values from the PMI Code of Ethics (responsibility, respect, fairness, and honesty). Case studies and mini-cases are used to re-enforce learning throughout the course. By the end of the course the student will be able to:
- Understand the value of an ethical code
- Define ethical behavior
- Understand busines codes of ethics
- Explain the important elements of ethical codes
- Explain how ethical codes are used in decision-making
Student certificate for 45 PDUs will be available immediately to print/save upon course completion. All students receive 45 PDUs upon completing this course. This course fulfills the total PMI minimum required PDUs in all PMI Talent TriangleTM Categories. This course is pre-approved by the PMI for 29 Ways of Working (Technical) PDUs, 8 Power Skills (Leadership) PDUs, and 8 Business Acumen (Strategic and Business Management) PDUs for a total of 45 PDUs.

Course #2: A Study In Project Schedule (Time) Management

Updated for new Project Management Institute (PMI)® CCR and PMI Talent TriangleTM Requirements! This course is valid for 15 PDUs for Project Management Professionals (PMP)® and PMI-SP®s to maintain their certification. PMPs require 60 PDUs every 3 years to maintain certification. 90 day course access starts from purchase date.This course is valid for all PMPs, and PMI Scheduling Professional (PMI-SP)®s This course provides an in-depth review of project schedule management, including case studies to reinforce learning. Course materials are in .pdf format and are immediately available to students upon purchase. Course also includes access to our video on Project Schedule Management. Course learning objectives: Upon completion of this course, the student will have an in-depth understanding of the following scheduling management processes: Define Activities, Sequence Activities, Estimate Activity Durations, Develop Schedule, and Control Schedule. Learn at your own pace. 90 day 24X7 course access. Course renewals available if you require more than 90 days. Student certificate for 15 PDUs will be available immediately to print/save upon course completion. All students receive 15 PDUs upon completing this course. Student certificate for 15 PDUs will be available immediately to print/save upon course completion. All students receive 15 PDUs upon completing this course. This course is pre-approved by the PMI for 8 Ways of Working (Technical) PDUs and 7 Power Skills (Leadership) PDUs for a total of 15 PDUs. Review our FAQ before purchasing for course samples, sales policy, course renewal information, and alternate payment methods.